Indonesia is an archipelago country and its 17,500 islands and 81,000 km of total coastlines offer excellent habitat for sea turtles . Out of the seven species o f sea turtles in the world, six species have been identified to occur in Indonesian waters. The species are leatherback, olive ridley, hawksbill, loggerhead, flatback, and green turtles (Dermawan, 2004). The flatbacks nest exclusively in Australia but have been observed feeding in Indonesian waters (Kitchener 1996).
Suggested Citation
Dermawan, A. (2004). Indonesia. In Z. Talib, A. Ali, K. K. K. Yaacob, & M. Mohd. Isa (Eds.), Conservation and Enhancement of Sea Turtles in the Southeast Asian Region (pp. 53-60). Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia: Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.