Regional database system and GIS for information gathering of inland capture fisheries
In present, fishery management tends to be more attractive and widely open in fishery research. Mostly fishery researches provide the information in biological, environmental and socio-economical studies. In Southeast Asian Region, there are many researches on inland capture fisheries, however these information are still not in record gradually and rarely available. Therefore, the gathering information in inland capture fishery becomes more importance and necessary. Developing of regional database system of collected information in inland capture fisheries is one of the most important mechanisms in order to provide the skeleton for more systematic collection of such information. In addition, to know the status and trend of inland capture fisheries information, of which is a key to sound policy-making and management.
Suggested Citation
Siriraksophon, S., Boonrat, C., & Pangsorn, S. (2004). Regional database system and GIS for information gathering of inland capture fisheries. In M. M. Isa (Ed.), Report of the First ASEAN-SEAFDEC Regional Technical Consultation on Information Gathering for Inland Capture Fisheries in ASEAN Countries, Kuala Lumpur, 4-6 August 2003 (pp. 95-116). Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia: Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.